I see them when I wake up and it is his voice I hear. I see it when I switch the pen caps and laugh. I see it when someone talks to me while I stand alone. I see it when I get a question right. I see it when I don’t fight. I see it when I spell something right I thought I would get wrong. I see you whenever you talk to me. I see you when you laugh with me. I see you when you smile at me from a far leading people over. I see you in the crowd unmistakable to miss standing right there a foot, a mile, a state away and I know you are coming you will always be there waiting to laugh with me, waiting to smile, waiting to talk, waiting to help, and waiting to listen. I will only catch some, but each one matters each one I will wait for each one I will look for. Because I know you are waiting too.
Tag Archives: Jesus Christ
When I close my eyes…
Here in this place a veil is drawn, there is so much we don’t see when our eyes are open, but what about when they are closed?
Oh my Lord, I pray that when I close my eyes the darkness surrounding me is the protective darkness of the hem of our Blessed Mother’s mantle.
For here, hidden in the hem of her mantle, Mary’s feet will crush the head of any serpent that ensnares me, Mary’s words and teachings will soak into my ears, my heart, my soul, and knowing that Mary remains lovingly and faithfully near her Son always, I too will be near her sweet and precious Son, our Savior – Jesus Christ!
Close your eyes and let us crawl to the feet of our Blessed Mother and hide in the protective darkness of her mantle!
Luke 1:45
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!
High on a hill
I saw a man high on a hill. As I climbed the hill trying to reach him, the terrain became steep. I called out to him asking for help. He didn’t move and I realized he could not hear. I waved my arms trying to get his attention and then realized he could not see.
Oh the irony and the great sorrow, that I have ears to hear and eyes to see my endless failures and flaws that keep me from ever reaching that beautiful summit, and his ears do not hear and his eyes do not see to let him realize that he has reached that beautiful summit.
Oh my sweet Lord, the thought of this is frightening and painful… please open our eyes to see and our ears to hear.