Swimming in Blue
Experienced March, 25, 2019
Written April 18, 2019
Painted February 24, 2020
I am sitting by her feet
Watching as they adjust her braces.
How quickly we have arrived here.
I look back for a long moment
And remember…
Dimpled fingers, tiny toes, her giggles,
The park, our favorite books,
Baby teeth, and her beautiful tiny smile.
A tear forms in my eye and
I turn to the window because who cries at the Orthodontist?
As I look up into the blue sky dotted with white clouds,
I feel sad with a longing to share the depth of this memory, this moment
On a blanket, in a field of wild flowers with my love.
And then I am swept away deep into the blue by My Love.
He shares it with me, He expands it and we swim in it,
Then He lovingly wraps it into His Eternal Heart,
Saving it for my love.
He is so Good.
I await the day when everyone will see His Beautiful Goodness!
The office calls me back as equipment clinks, people talk,
Our baby, our daughter, His beautiful work of art,
Still sits in the chair before me.
I love her so much… sometimes it hurts as I feel my heart grow.

Deep in the Heart
Painted May 19, 2019

On the Threshold
Painted December 13, 2019

Painted February 18, 2020