The Golden Touch

If we could realize the merit concealed in the actions of each moment of the day… if we understood that surrender to the will of God is the true philosopher’s stone that changes into divine gold all our occupations, troubles, and sufferings, what great consolation would be ours!

I read this the other day in The Joy of Full Surrender by Jean-Pierre de Caussaude (chapter 9, Holy Made Easy) and I immediately thought of King Midas.

I’m sure you have heard of King Midas.  He was a king of great fortune who wished for – The Golden Touch, for everything he touched to be turned to gold.  Initially he received his wish with great joy, running through his castle turning everything to gold, but his joy quickly turn to fear as he realized even the food he tried to eat turned to gold before reaching his mouth, and finally his fear became true horror when he turned his own daughter to gold by giving her a hug.

Isn’t it crazy how quickly the desires of our flesh that seem good, can be twisted and turned into horrors?  Yet with the eyes of faith, a heart of love, and a true desire to fully surrender to the Will of God, we all gain The Golden Touch and everything we do is changed into divine gold in His Heavenly Realm.

Matthew 6:19-21
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done!

Tuned in to Him

A few weeks before Christmas a friend told me that she was praying that her son would develop a preference for Christian music over secular music.  The comment came and went so quickly that I didn’t have time to really think about it, but since that conversation it has been on my mind and I think we should pray that her son and all of us will tune in to Him, regardless of the specific music we prefer.   It we are tuned into Him we will hear Him in all music.  We will hear His message in what is said, and what is not said.  His message will come through everywhere, in all moments, quiet, loud, joyful, sorrowful, peaceful or crazy and in all moments a whispered Thank You Lord will boom louder than thunder at the foot of His throne.

Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord – please let my heart and lips never tire of saying Thank You Lord!

Wise men still seek Him

Wise men still seek Him not through study or intellectual knowledge, but in the depth, silence and peace of their own hearts.  Dear and sweet Lord, in this new year filled with new distractions please help us to choose Your Peace over the chaos.

Your peace you have freely given, but in our helplessness we still haven’t chosen it.  Please take our hands and lead us to choose Your Peace!