A voice like the roar of many waters…

My interest in bubbles was reignited again today after watching a CBS Sunday Morning segment on bubbles.  Did you know that bubbles and only bubbles are what give rushing waters their sounds?

The babbling of a brook, the rushing of a river, the breaking of waves and the roar of a waterfall come from the pulse of sound made every time a bubble is formed, therefore the more bubbles formed, the more sound pulses generated and the greater the sound.

Our sweet Lord’s voice was described in Revelation as being like “the roar of many waters”, but maybe it can be more accurately described as being the combination of sound pulses generated as many bubbles are formed – as if He was speaking at the surface or intersection of two different substances, John residing in one substance, and our Lord speaking to him from the other substance.

Revelation 14:2
And I heard a voice from heaven like the roar of many waters…

Deep in the woods

My husband loves to camp, and I have grown to really enjoy it too. The last time we were camping, I was lying awake listening to the sounds of the night and I had an amazing thought…

What if we have lost our ability to clearly hear and understand the creatures of the night?  To us they sound like noise, usually with a beat and in unison, but nothing more than a mixture of sounds, but what if they are really saying

“Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”
– Revelation 4:8

Maybe all together and moving in unison and working as one, they become the four living creatures around the throne of God who are full of eyes all around and inside, singing praise to God our Father day and night without ceasing.

That night I listened and tried to hear it, but eventually I fell asleep, but you, my friends, whose hearts have remained holy and pure – listen because I am sure deep in the woods you will hear the the never ceasing praise sung by the very least creatures here on earth for the greatest of all, our Lord God the Almighty!