A voice like the roar of many waters…

My interest in bubbles was reignited again today after watching a CBS Sunday Morning segment on bubbles.  Did you know that bubbles and only bubbles are what give rushing waters their sounds?

The babbling of a brook, the rushing of a river, the breaking of waves and the roar of a waterfall come from the pulse of sound made every time a bubble is formed, therefore the more bubbles formed, the more sound pulses generated and the greater the sound.

Our sweet Lord’s voice was described in Revelation as being like “the roar of many waters”, but maybe it can be more accurately described as being the combination of sound pulses generated as many bubbles are formed – as if He was speaking at the surface or intersection of two different substances, John residing in one substance, and our Lord speaking to him from the other substance.

Revelation 14:2
And I heard a voice from heaven like the roar of many waters…

Not lost for just a moment…

So often we are looking to work, to complete a check-list, to please, to earn acceptance, to earn approval, to earn our way, lost in our actions and He is always there whispering…

“You don’t have to do a thing,
Simply be with me and let those things go
They can wait another minute
Wait this moment is too sweet
Please stay here with Me
And love on me a little longer
‘Cause I’m in love with you”

Thank you Bethel Music!  Your song, A Little Longer, pierces my heart with the reminder to just be with Him, lost in His word, lost in His attention, lost in His love, and ironically when I do this… it is the one time in my life that I am NOT LOST for just a moment!