His Master Plans

… But God will not take away a life; he will devise plans so as not to keep an outcast banished forever from His presence.
2 Samuel 14:14

I read this today and was filled with gratitude and thanksgiving that He is in charge, the master plans are His!  I love that He changes them, adding and devising new plans with new paths to bring us home into His presence.

Thank You sweet Father for leading us home!

His plans cannot be thwarted!

I received a book in the mail a few days ago.  I am very excited to read it, but each time I have sat down to begin, something has distracted or interrupted me and twice I have fallen right to sleep.

If the author was still alive he might suggest that my plans to read it are being thwarted, but as this thought crossed my mind this evening I was reminded that even if this is the case, He already knew it would happen.  He waits so patiently for me to begin, knowing the exact hour, minute and second when I will finally sit down and begin to decipher this message that He has sent me.

Fear not my friends… His plans cannot be thwarted!