Maybe our universe is like a bubble?

Last week I watched some documentaries about the universe and I must admit I love them!  I saw one that reminded me of the fact that our universe is still expanding and is now expanding at a faster rate than it did just after it’s birth.  I find this so interesting, amazing, strange and difficult to understand.

As I was watching a few days ago, I was thinking a lot about bubbles!  Maybe our universe is a like a bubble, a little piece of something that is where it doesn’t belong.

Imagine a bubble rushing towards the water’s surface.  As it rises, it expands, and as it expands it rises faster, causing it to expand even more and then rise even faster.  I am not a fluid dynamics expert, but I think this is correct at a very high level.

Now imagine that our universe is this bubble rushing through a substance where it doesn’t belong, and maybe as it is approaching a surface the surrounding pressure is decreasing which would explain why our universe is expanding faster than before.  If so… what do you think will happen when our bubble finally reaches the unknown surface?  Will it BURST?

If so, then I hope when our bubble bursts we will finally find ourselves where we do belong, in the singularity (the point where a function takes an infinite value) of GOD!

Expand, expand, expand…

Circles are everywhere.  Our lives are filled with both figurative and physical circles.  We see them in nature, we see them in actions and re-actions and we experience them physically around tables, in meetings, and during circle time as children.

We include people when we are willing to expand our circles, but we can just as easily exclude others by refusing to expand our circle for new arrivals.

My sister wrote a blog that I loved last year, Is it a pie or a triangle?.  The conversation we had regarding this blog stands out clearly in my mind as a moment in my life when I finally started to scratch the surface in my personal understanding of Jesus and what He did for me.

Ever since this conversation, I have thought of God as a large circle that we are all held within.  I then picture all of us as small circles within the God’s large circle.  Some of our circles are bigger and some of our circles are smaller and some of them overlap.  The bigger ones represent those who have accepted or included more people, and the smaller ones have accepted or included fewer people.

I don’t think heaven or paradise is possible without everyone and unfortunately we are the ones imposing limitations and building walls within God’s beautiful, all-inclusive circle by excluding others.

Pray for everyone, try to empathize with everyone…
Empathy will lead to forgiveness, and forgiveness will lead to love.

OUR best life doesn’t work unless everyone is included!

I pray and dream for OUR best life for everyone, everyday!  I hope you do too… together we can expand our circles!