The many facets of His Holy Face

I was thinking about the Nativity this morning and about the time Mary had with Jesus before His presentation in the temple. Prior to presenting Jesus in the temple, Mary had a time of infinitely deep Joy as she gazed moment to moment upon the Holy Face of God.

As I thought about this I wondered about the many facets of our sweet and Holy Lord’s Face during those days and nights with Mary. Did it change from instant to instant as the light and shadows and angles changed? Mary would have noticed every detail and change as she contemplated His Beautiful and Holy Face.

Was there an infinitesimally small moment when Jesus looked like my daughter? Did our sweet and holy Mother gaze upon Him and see my daughter’s infant face shining through for one tiny moment? Did Mary see each of us shine through the infinite facets of our Lord’s Holy Infant Face during this precious, holy, and hidden time?

I don’t know if this true, but I pray that all of our infant faces are treasured up and pondered within Mary’s heart, and as we look upon each other remember there is a sweet and tiny baby buried within everyone!

Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 

The never-ending story…

I loved the movie The NeverEnding Story when I was younger. I watched it recently with my girls and it was not as good as I remembered, but there is a depth to this movie that I still love.

So often we think of never-ending, the infinite, in terms of numbers going on forever. We rarely tie it back to anything we experience in our daily lives unless we are studying mathematics or the universe. I think this is one of the reasons why I loved this movie so much. It opened my eyes to the perspective of my life being part of a bigger story, to the idea of a living story, and it brought the infinite into my finite world.

As a child I wondered where the book of my story sat and how the pages were magically added every day, but as I have grown I see that for a story to truly be living and never-ending, the depth is found within a finite number of pages, hidden between the lines where infinite new meanings, insights, and inspirations are waiting to be discovered every time it is read. Just as the numbers between 0 and 1 stretch to infinity, the meaning buried within the lines of a never-ending story is inexhaustible.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.